
Yellow 315
Yellow 315 is a 3 year old from Lil X (X Factor son) and O113 (Highroller daughter).

Yellow 330
Yellow 330 is a 2 year old from Rambeaux. Great mass and tine length.

Yellow 297
Yellow 297 is a 2-year-old off of Rambeaux. 297’s dam is Magnolia (Voodoo daughter) and great grandson of Highroller.

Rambeaux is a huge buck from Eddie Ray’s Soaring Eagle backed by the incredible typical producing Redoy Bill and Patrick lines and B609, Narley’s twin sister which brings in Sundance (High Roller’s sire). He’s produced some great typicals.

Mudbug is a Rambeaux son with the incredible Soaring Eagle and Patrick bloodlines, Narley’s twin sister B609 which brings in Sundance (High Roller’s sire) and some Outrageous and Tex thrown in for even more strong typical production.